Thursday, September 28, 2017

2017 Open House

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Monday, September 25, 2017

Chapter 1: The Development of Human Societies Outline

Chapter 1: The Development of Human Societies
I. The Paleolithic Age
                A. Discovering Prehistory
                                1. Geologic and Archaeological Time
                                                a. fossils
                                                b. artifacts
                                                c. archaeologists
                                2. Origins in Africa
                B. The Elements of Culture
                                1. What is culture?
                                                a. Culture is a way of life.
                                2. Why study culture?
                                                a. anthropologists
                C. Changing Environments
                                1. Finding new homes
                                                a. drought
                                                b. oasis
                                                c. migration
                                2. Adapting to new condition
                                                a. Technology
                D. Moving into new environments
                                1. Spread of early humans
                                                a. land bridge
                                2. In search of food
                                                b. megafauna
                E. Cave Art
                                1. Ancient artists
                                2. Glimpse into an early world
                                                a. Lascaux Cave
II. The Neolithic Age      
A. Nomadic Hunter-Gatherers
                                1. Moving with the seasons
                                                a. hunter-gatherer
                                                b. nomads
                                2. Following the herds
                B. The Beginnings of Domestication
                                1. Changing Climate
                                                a. domestication
                                2. Taming plants and animals
                C. The Agricultural Revolution
                                1. Fertile River Valleys
                                                a. agriculture
                                                b. Neolithic Age
                                                c. Fertile Crescent
                                                d. Fertile
                                2. New farm tools and methods
                D. Studying the Past
                                1. Scientific Data
                                2. Historical Sources
                                                a. primary source
                                                b. secondary sources

                                                c. oral history

Friday, September 22, 2017

Vocabulary Review

Vocabulary Review
1. Both fossils, the remains of living organisms, and artifacts, human-made objects, provide helpful clues to understanding our history.
2. Archaeologist digs up fossils and artifact at an early settlement, and an anthropologists is an archaeologist who studies these objects to understand the culture of the people who once lived there.
3. The songs and stories that make up the oral history of a group of people are an important part of the group’s culture.
4. An anthropologists is an archaeologists who studies culture.
5. To survive, hunter-gatherers lived as nomads, moving with the seasons to hunt herds of animals and gather fruits, nuts, roots, and seeds to eat.
6. During the Ice Age, land bridges formed that enabled the migration of Homo sapiens from one continent to another.
7. The rich nutrients in the fertile soil of the river valleys in the Fertile Crescent allowed people to practice agriculture, or the practice of growing plants and rearing animals for food.

8. Historians study primary sources, such as letters and tools, and secondary sources, such as biographies and history books, to understand and interpret historical events.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Chapter 1 The Development of Human Societies Key Vocabulary Words

  1. fossils
  2. artifacts
  3. archaeologists
  4. culture
  5. anthropologists
  6. drought
  7. oasis
  8. migration
  9. technology
  10. land bridges
  11. Megafauna
  12. Hunter-gatherer
  13. nomads
  14. domestication
  15. agriculture
  16. fertile
  17. primary source
  18. secondary source
  19. oral history